
Submissions open for 2025 CASW awards, fellowships

Two of CASW’s 2024 awards awaiting presentation. The 2025 award-winners will be recognized at ScienceWriters2025 in Pittsburgh. (Photo: Megan Mendenhall)

The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing is now accepting entires and nominations for three major science journalism prizes to be awarded in 2025. Applications for 2025 Taylor/Blakeslee graduate fellowships, which support graduate-level study in science journalism, are also being accepted.

Science journalists can apply for three awards: The Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award,  a career prize recognizing the accomplishments of a mid-career science journalist and a grant of $20,000 for a significant reporting project; the Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting; and the Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award, which recognizes outstanding science reporting and writing by a journalist under the age of 30. Nominations are accepted for the Cohn Prize and Clark/Payne Award.

Taylor/Blakeslee fellowships are available to students enrolling in a graduate program to study science journalism. Currently enrolled students are also eligible to apply, as long as they have the equivalent of one year of full-time study remaining. One candidate interested in covering the physical sciences—such as physics, astronomy, or chemistry—will receive an enhanced fellowship that also includes mentorship from a senior journalist and additional travel funding for reporting projects. The current physical sciences fellow, Jenna Ahart, is being mentored by Natalie Wolchover, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and senior editor at Quanta. 

Deadlines for this year’s competitions are:

All entries will be accepted online at CASW’s submission site.

For more information on all of CASW’s fellowships and awards, see the Awards & Fellowships page.

Please contact Laura Dattaro with any questions.
